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When to Choose Between a Deep Cleaning and a Regular Cleaning

When to Choose Between a Deep Cleaning and a Regular Cleaning

Absolutely, considering a deep cleaning service is a wise decision. Hiring professional cleaners offers numerous benefits. However, there are important distinctions to be aware of when engaging these services. One crucial aspect to understand is the difference between a deep clean and a regular clean. Let’s delve into the details of these two types of cleaning services.

Regular Cleaning

When you engage professional cleaning services for a “regular clean,” they will tend to the tasks you typically address on a weekly basis. A regular cleaner is designed to assist in maintaining the cleanliness of your home. Here are some of the tasks a regular cleaner will typically take care of:

  • Vacuuming floors
  • Organizing the house
  • Disinfecting and cleaning the bathroom including sinks, toilets, bathtub, mirror etc.
  • Kitchen cleaning including surface cleaning, appliance cleaning, trash removal.

These cleaning tasks are very much included in residential cleaning services, it is up to you how frequently you want to do this for your home.

Deep Cleaning Services

Deep cleaning is a more extensive and thorough cleaning process compared to regular cleaning. While regular cleaning tends to the day-to-day upkeep of your home, deep cleaning involves a more detailed and comprehensive approach. Here are some of the services typically included in a deep cleaning session:

  • Clean soap scum and scale from the shower head, taps, kitchen tiles.
  • Clean areas behind appliances like refrigerator, oven or washing machine.
  • Dust baseboards and doors carefully all over the home.
  • Clean interior windows.
  • Clean window frames and patio doors.
  • Clean interior doors of your oven

A deep cleaning service is much more thorough, as you can see, than a standard cleaning service. Now, you may want to know which one you want.

House cleaning services can simplify your life so you can live out your priorities the way you desire. Good Cleaners Finder offers cleaning services tailored to your specific needs. Take a moment and book online today, and learn how refreshing it is to come home to a clean house.

You may also visit our recent blogs for more cleaning tips and ideas.

Let us help you! If you want professional cleaning help and might wonder what kind of service you need when you are ready to hire a home cleaning service, come to Good Cleaners Finder for home cleaning services every week or month. We would be happy to help you take care of your home.

You can find Good Cleaners Finder in AmsterdamRotterdamThe HagueMaastrichtDelftWassenaarEindhovenUtrecht, and everywhere else in The Netherlands. If you are looking for a professional cleaner or are unhappy with your current cleaner, contact us and book your cleaner today!

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